ANNOUNCEMENT! I have just finished a side project called Hidden. It is part of a mini-series called A Diamond Mini-Series. Right now it is inthe hands of my beta readers. I am waiting for them to return the questionnaires I sent them so I can finish editing and do any necessary revising.
I am really thrilled to have completed the first book in the project. I am currently working on the cover.
Here is a short description of Hidden:
Left alone in a secret room after their parents were kidnapped, Diamond and Obsidian must take care of their younger siblings. But how? They are facing both the threat of intruders and the threat of starvation. Will they survive or will their fate fall into the hands of the intruders? Or worse yet, will they starve to death?
Hidden will be available soon on
I'd also like to mention that my work on Winter Rayne continues. It may need an overhaul before it gets published. As usual thanks for the patience.