This post is a progress update on all of my works in progress (WIPs).
The Core (The Diamond Mini-Series, Book 2) is almost complete. It will be in the hands of my beta readers, hopefully, by this weekend.
Nerves of Steel is almost at the halfway mark. The creative juices are really flowing.
Winter Rayne was put on hold. There is something that is not "clicking" for me at this moment with the storyline. Once I figure out what is going on I will continue writing it. I know this was the first book I was supposed to have out, but I don't want to put a book out that is not up to the standards I believe it should meet.
Untitled (The Diamond Mini-Series, Book 3) will be the third book of the mini-series. I will begin that soon. I have a general outline for it, but I need to get The Core out first. If all goes well it will be released in early September 2012.
And don't forget Under Ground is available already on
If you haven't read it already, just follow the link. The Core starts right where Under Ground left off.